There was once an ass from Beth-HELL named Quessenberry. I met him in the West Sacramento, CA cong. Never met anyone quite like this maniac. He was always rude to the little kids. Oh how the elders used to kiss his ass because he had served at beth-HELL. He was not even of the annointededed c-c-classssh. Once my mom got tired of him being mean to the kids in the hall and asked him into the little back room for a scolding! HA HA HA HA HA She got mad at his evasiveness and called him a fat sheep. (Book of Ezekiel) reference to fat sheeps hogging all the good stuff and starving little lambs. He had never heard that term before.
Anyway after my mom got hold of him my mil went after him next, then my fil drove all the way from a neighboring town to scold him for abusing his ms son. I even cussed at him in the kh, much to my disgrace. Cursing in public is offensive to everyone around and I felt bad that in a supposed place of worship I was made so mad as to do it. For many years I was an atendant and was also allowed to handle the sound. Well, because I married a strong minded and unsubmissive woman, and I was not about to force her to do anything because the elders demanded me to do, I lost my priveleges. So, Quessenberry has no idea how to run a sound board and had so much feedback and squealing going on it sounded like a pig slaughter. The public speaker actually turned off his mike and sat down. But this boob had no clue and more noise erupted from the speakers. So sitting nearby and having knowlege of the board I simply reach over and turned three knobs and leveled the sound. Guess what Quessenberry did.....He grabbed me. He actually grabbed my wrist and squeezed it to almost break my arm bones. He told me that I had no business touching that anymore since I was defying Jah with my makeup wearing wife. I lost it. I gave him a shot to the left gut and backed him out the door and on our way out I told him that if he ever touched me with his diry mf hands again I would kick in his ass.
He left the cong the next week. Turns out his wife received another beating and it was time to flee to another place. I am actually hoping to reunite with my beloved Quessenberry. I have some words for his bitchass......LOL
Anyone else know this creep or where he might be found?